The first step in hiring Filipino virtual assistants is determining what tasks you need them to do and whether you need them full-time or part-time.
Are you looking for someone to do general admin tasks, or do you need someone with a specific skill set, such as project management, managing social media accounts, or graphic design?
Once you’ve determined what tasks to assign to them, it’s time to find the best virtual assistant for your needs.
There are three ways to find and hire virtual assistants: post an online ad yourself, hire one through online job platforms like Upwork or, or connect with an outsourcing company like Remotestaff.
For the first two options, you may need to sift through hundreds of applications from freelancers to find an applicant that suits your needs, come up with a shortlist, and interview each person on it.
Finally, once you pick a candidate, you must onboard them and have them sign a contract to finalize things.
However, if you hire via outsourcing companies such as Remotestaff, you can skip most of the steps here. We’ll do most of the leg work, so that all you have to do is pick candidates off a shortlist and then arrange for an interview.