Client FAQ
Client FAQ
I Cannot Log In To The Client Portal. What Should I Do?
Coordinate with your assigned CRE.
One possible reason could be incorrect user login credentials. If this is the case, you can reset your password at
What Is Included In The Monitoring Reports Page?
Screenshots – These are screenshots of the staff’s screens taken every three minutes.
Active Apps – These display the application/s or website/s your staff visited while their tracker was on.
Activity Notes – displays a record of the activities and tasks logged by the remote contractor and the time it took them to complete or work on these.
Speed Test – displays your staff’s internet speed.
Connection Logs – provides reports on your staff’s connection history while they are logged in to the monitoring tool.
Where Can I Check My Staff’s Time Records?
Timesheet – You can view and verify the hours logged by your Remote Contractor here, which form the basis for the payments made to the staff and consequently, the bills charged to the client.
- Go to the Timesheet page.
- Select the name of the staff whose timesheet you want to view.
- You’ll then see the following columns pertaining to the selected staff:
- Date – auto-populated based on the calendar year and month
- Schedule – the staff’s daily schedule, particularly their start time and end time
- Rostered hours – hours indicated on the Contract as agreed upon by the client and staff
- Time Logs – real and raw data captured from the monitoring tool, which includes work hours and breaks.
- Work Hours – the actual hours worked, computed as the total number of hours between time in and out.
- Adjusted Hours – Auto adjusted to maximum allowable hours per day, when work hours exceed those based on the staff contract . It can be manually adjusted by Remote Staff depending on the number of REAL hours worked, Approved OT’s, unapproved OT’s and offline work.This is also the basis for the number of hours multiplied by the Remote Contractor’s hourly rates to come up with the compensation we pay to Remote Contractors before each month’s cut-off period.
- Lunch Hours – Total number of hours from the start to the end of each day’s lunch break for that period
- Break Hours – Total the number of break hours in the morning and afternoon – from the start to the end of each day’s quick breaks for that period
- Leave – records the staff’s leaves for the day from the Leave Request Management Page
- Notes – Displays the filed Timesheet notes of the staff from the Remote Contractor Portal.
Where Can I Approve Or Decline My Staff’s Leave Request?
Leave Request – A report of Leave requests lodged on the Staff Portal by the Remote Contractor.
All of your staff’s filed leave requests are on the Leave Request page.
To view, click on the eye icon inline with the leave you want to approve or decline. You can add notes to explain the action.
If your staff applied for leave on multiple dates, select the day/s you want to approve or decline by ticking the checkbox beside each one. Click either the Approve or Decline button and then click “Confirm.”
Where Can I View My Staff Job Description?
Contractor Request Form – this form outlines the job details and required qualifications of the Remote Contractor requested by the client. It consists of the job details, equipment/tools/software and skills requirements.
You can review your Contractor Request Form:
- Select the appropriate job from the Jobs Title list.
- Click the Edit icon in line with the job title you want to view or edit.
- Input the client email address to access the form.
- View or fill up the form to indicate or edit the requirements indicated, such as the job details, equipment/tools/software and skills.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes.
Where Can I View My Staff’s Monitoring Reports?
Monitoring Reports – A real-time monitoring page where clients can view their Remote Contractor’s active apps, connection logs, speed tests, activity notes, time records, and screenshots.
- Log in at with your email address.
- If it’s your first time logging in, please click the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password and follow the instructions on the email you should receive shortly afterwards.
- Otherwise, you can navigate the Monitoring Reports menu accordingly upon log in.
What Are The Monitoring Tool’s Default Settings?
- Screenshots are captured every 3 minutes.
- There are 2 quick breaks for full-time employees and 1 for part-time ones. Quick breaks are 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon.
- There is a 1-hour lunch break allotted for full-time employees and none for part-time ones.
- Remote contractors are prompted for activity notes every hour.
- All active applications are recorded by default.
- Speed tests are conducted and recorded each time the Remote Contractor starts and finishes work.
Note that default settings may vary depending on your agreement with the Remote Contractor.
Functionalities and Requirements:
Login and Logout
- Enable staff to login and logout.
- Accompany login and logout actions with camera shots for admin verification of staff identity.
Work Session Management
- Start Work – Capture work activities when staff starts work.
- Finish Work – Stop capturing work activities when staff finishes work.
- Notify staff and admin of disconnections.
Break Management
- Quick Break – Pause capturing work activities during quick breaks.
- Lunch Break – Pause capturing work activities during lunch breaks.
- Notify staff and admin of over breaks and over lunch breaks.
Confidential Work
Allow staff to pause capturing work activities for confidential tasks while continuing to log payable working hours.
Activity Tracking
- Capture screenshots as proof of work.
- Log daily activities to monitor task progress.
Application and Website Monitoring
- Track websites and applications visited by staff.
- Send alerts for non-work-related websites or applications.
- Allow admins to whitelist non-job-related applications or websites.
Idle Time Monitoring
Capture and track staff idle time.
Internet Speed Test
Test the speed of staff’s Internet connection to ensure it meets standards.
Computer Profile
Capture and store staff’s computer profile information.
Monitoring Tool Settings
Allow customization of tool settings to control access and notifications including the feature to update the logo on the native application.
Monitoring Dashboard
A dashboard to allow admin to monitor disconnections, overlunch, overbreaks, idle time and ability for admin to trigger finish work if not responsive for a certain period.
Monitoring Tool Integration with Remote Staff Portal System
Monitoring Tool Integration with Remote Staff Portal System
Timesheet Management
Attendance Dashboard
Screen Capture Management
CameraCapture Management
Activity Tracker Management
Active Apps Management
Idle Time Management
Connection Logs Management
Remote Staff Portal System Integration of Staff Profile
Able to create a profile once the contract is activated in the Remote Staff Portal.
Able to deactivate a profile once the contract is deactivated in the Remote Staff Portal.
Separate Application for Remote Contractor and Inhouse
The application should allow for the development of multiple instances enabling connections to different client services as needed. This ensures that the native app can report to various client services with controlled confidentiality for inhouse use.
Use of Remote Staff Inc’s Infrastructure
Sunglao Consulting will use Remote Staff Inc’s AWS accounts leveraging the RDS instances.
Code will be deployed on Remote Staff Inc’s pre-existing repository pipelines.
Full architecture and technical turnover
- System Design
- Database Design
- Option for Scaling: If needed to scale up processes and add resources.
- Build Project/CICD Details
- How to Convert from Python to EXE File
- User Manual
- Release Notes: To inform in-house team of updates/changes in RSSC (e.g., code changes, scaling up, patches for bug fixes).
Repositories Needed
- Environments – Development, Staging, Production
- Project Repository Git Workflow – Branches: feature/*, develop, release, master
Additional Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Draft technical specifications including system architecture, technology stack, and data requirements.
Estimate Costs
Provide an estimate of the per-user cost for server hosting.
System Architecture
Design the overall system architecture including the database schema, application layers, and integration points.
Review and Approval
Obtain feedback and approval from stakeholders on the design documents.