Jul 04

The Who’s and How’s of Building a Good Remote Network

Building relationships is an important aspect of any business. Through meaningful connections, you get to build a useful network and eventually, find more business opportunities. 

However, cultivating meaningful interactions can be challenging in a remote environment. 

Or are they? 

According to some of the leading experts in the industry, building relationships remotely is achievable – if you know who to approach – and how. 

Who Do You Need in Your Remote Network? 

Let’s call them your Remote Advisory Board. As such, these people will serve as your supporters and advocates who will help you develop as you navigate and manage a remote workplace. 

Thus, it is crucial that you have these five people: 

A Mentor 

A Mentor

Everyone needs a mentor, particularly someone who pushes you to perform at a higher level. A good one should be able to help you see the bigger picture and discover other possibilities and new opportunities. 

Your mentor should preferably be someone who has already successfully established a fully remote workplace. With this person’s help, you can explore new opportunities while effectively managing your company remotely as your company evolves. 

A Double Checker 

A Double Checker

When functioning in the virtual world, your content can make or break you. Hence, you must be careful in communicating details to clients, customers, and employees. However, proofreading is time-consuming especially for business owners. 

Enter the Double Checker. 

Simply put, this individual proofread your content – or even writes them for you. This can be a versatile content writer or perhaps even a virtual assistant who helps prepare your presentation slides for an upcoming pitch. 

A Techie 


In a remote workplace, technology is king. When you know how to maximise it, you can build and expand your business in the fastest and most effective way. But in order to do this, you need a Techie.  

Your Techie is your go-to person whenever you need to develop software, design graphics, or even improve your online presentation skills. This individual can also propose new software that can help you improve work processes. 

Moreover, if you need to tweak your website to improve traffic flow and boost user engagement, a Techie can help you.

A Competitor 

A Competitor

Nothing is more motivating than having someone who inspires you to keep going and growing. For some, it can be a loved one. However, for many, it’s the person they consider as a competitor or rival. 

If you want to grow your business, it’s best to have a benchmark. For instance, identify a successful entrepreneur in your circle that inspires you to work harder. It could be a competitor or even someone in a different industry, so long as their actions and results light a fire in you.

An Enforcer 

An Enforcer

It can be difficult to keep things on track if you’re managing every aspect of your business. Thus, you need an Enforcer who can hold you accountable and make sure that you get the job done. 

This person can be a hired business consultant or a career coach. However, if you have a trusted friend who is an expert in business strategy, s/he can easily assume this role. 

Together, you can set and complete work goals for every business quarter or perhaps align your company’s financial and marketing strategies. 

How To Build a Remote Network 

Now that we’ve established who you need, let’s explore the HOW’s. 

Identifying the People You Want in Your Network 


Building a network can take time. Hence, it’s advisable to start exploring your current relationships and see if anyone fits the descriptions. Are you already regularly in touch with most of them? Or do you need to reconnect? 

And speaking of…

Reaching Out To Your Network 

Reaching Out To Your Network

While it’s okay to be direct, a quick “cold” connection request is not advisable. Experts recommend that before you ask for help, it is better to first offer it. You must establish a cadence of mutual support. 

This can be in the form of connecting people in your network to other people within or outside the industry. For instance, you can recommend a good marketing specialist who can help your entrepreneur friend improve his/her marketing strategies. Simply put, you act as a bridge between your contacts. 

As a result, you will build a reputation as a connector. Over time, this will compel others to make the introductions to and for you. 

Deepening the Connections with Other People 

Deepening the Connections with Other People

Lastly, if you want to connect remotely, consider chatting with people about something other than work. Chat about cultural differences, personal preferences, or even trivial things. Anything that can help you build rapport with one another.  After all, no one does business or partners with people they don’t like. 


Eager to build your own remote workforce? We’ve got you! 

Remote Staff has been the go-to partner of thousands of Australian SMEs and entrepreneurs who want to explore and expand their remote workforce. Since 2007, we have provided our valued clients with skilled remote workers from the Philippines. On top of hiring, we also help with onboarding so you can work on building a remote network that’ll help you get your business off the ground. 

Call us today or schedule a call back and let’s get started. 


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Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

About The Author

Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

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