Jul 20
5 Simple LinkedIn Strategies That Generate Leads

5 Simple LinkedIn Strategies That Generate Leads

Looking for ways to increase your sales? LinkedIn is great for lead generation!

In case you’ve been living under a rock, LinkedIn is a platform that connects professionals and business owners. It can also help B2B businesses find potential clients.

Compared to B2C, B2B businesses can be more challenging to handle because they often involve larger orders, longer sales cycles, and more complex decision-making processes. 

Examples include manufacturers selling to wholesalers, software companies providing enterprise solutions, and marketing agencies promoting other businesses.

To stay in the game, you need to keep closing deals and building long-term business relationships. It’s why you need to get in touch with the key decision makers among your prospects.

LinkedIn is the perfect platform to find and connect with decision makers to raise awareness, build trust, and close deals.

However, it’s not as easy as it seems. How would you even begin?

Here are 5 simple LinkedIn lead generation strategies you can try.


Optimize Your Profile

An optimized LinkedIn profile increases your visibility, builds credibility, and attracts more potential clients. 

To optimize your profile, use a professional photo, write a compelling headline, craft a detailed summary, list relevant skills and experience, and get endorsements and recommendations.

Want more detailed tips? Click here


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Share Valuable Content

Publishing valuable content on LinkedIn won’t just get you noticed, but can also position you as a thought leader. 

This can increase your engagement with your connections, and help attract potential customers who might be interested in your products or services. 

Need ideas for content? Try sharing any of the following:

  • Articles and Blog Posts
  • Industry News and Updates
  • Visual Content
  • Case Studies and Success Stories
  • Tips and How-to Guides
  • Polls and Surveys
  • Company Updates and Milestones

Additionally, consistently sharing content can help Google feature your articles in search results, potentially generating more leads.


Join LinkedIn Groups

The right ones can connect you with professionals who share your interests or are in related industries. 

By participating in relevant groups, you expand your network, stay updated on industry trends, and engage in discussions that highlight your expertise. 

Be sure to share your insights, promote your content, and contribute meaningfully to discussions.

Being active in the right groups builds credibility, fosters relationships with potential clients or collaborators, and boosts your visibility within your industry on LinkedIn.


Use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator

If you have the budget for it, try using the LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It has powerful features that can simplify lead generation compared to regular search options.

You can filter potential leads using the following queries, for instance:

Filter by seniority 

This lets you sort profiles by position, helping you identify decision makers within your target prospects.

Filter by changed jobs 

The changed jobs query shows profiles of people who have recently been promoted or transferred to another company, which can be useful for finding new business opportunities.

Filter by mentioned in news

This filter shows people mentioned in online news articles, valuable for tracking industry trends or identifying influential figures in your field.

Filter by posted something on Linkedin

It generates a list of users who have recently shared content on their profiles, handy for engaging and building relationships with active users.

With the right queries and filters on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can build a customer list that can potentially lead to more sales.


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Hire a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant

The tips above sound simple enough. However, doing all of it can be really time-consuming, especially for business owners.

That’s why most outsource their LinkedIn activities to a virtual assistant who specializes in such.

A LinkedIn virtual assistant can handle tasks such as profile optimization, content scheduling, engagement with connections, lead generation, and monitoring analytics to maximize your presence on the platform and results.

So if you’re looking for one, Remote Staff can match you with an expert virtual assistant to streamline your LinkedIn strategy and help you achieve your business goals faster.

Call us or schedule a callback to find yours today!

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Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well. If you have any content requests and suggestions, feel free to email him at

About The Author

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well. If you have any content requests and suggestions, feel free to email him at

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