Jul 26
4 Reasons Why You Should Do a Digital Detox - and How to Do It Properly

4 Reasons Why You Should Do a Digital Detox – and How to Do It Properly

It’s hard to imagine life without our devices today.

With one click or tap, you gain access to limitless information and connect to people, regardless of location. Just ask your virtual assistant

However, this state of constant connectivity can also be a double-edged sword.

The seemingly endless business-related emails and notifications we receive daily make it difficult to separate work from your personal life.

Additionally, constant access to social media can cause feelings of isolation and fear of missing out (FOMO).

To avoid this, it’s important to regularly disconnect from technology via a digital detox.

What is a digital detox, and how do you do it? Find out below.

What is a Digital Detox?

A digital detox is a period where you intentionally reduce the amount of time you spend online.

A digital detox is a period where you intentionally reduce the amount of time you spend online

This enables you to detach from the constant stream of digital stimuli and reconnect with the physical world.

The Benefits of Taking a Digital Detox

Taking a break from your digital devices comes with several benefits. These include:

Better Mental Health

Just like any muscle in our body, our brains need rest too.

When constantly exposed to new information, our brains struggle to process it and respond accordingly. This is called digital overload.

Fortunately, doing a digital detox gives your brain time to rest and regain your mental strength.

Minimizing your exposure to digital distractions significantly increases your focus, attention span, and problem-solving skills.

Minimizing your exposure to digital distractions significantly increases your focus, attention span, and problem-solving skills

This is especially important when you’re running a business and constantly have to make crucial decisions and strategies.

Improved Productivity

With increased focus comes better productivity.

Spending less time checking social media gives you more time to focus at work, so you can log off in time.

In addition, less distractions enables you to develop new ideas that can benefit your team and business.

Better Physical Health

Your body will also benefit from a digital detox.

Prolonged use of digital devices leads to various health issues like eye strain, repetitive strain injuries (RSI), and disturbed sleep.

Taking regular breaks gives your body, especially your eyes, a much-needed rest and encourages bodily movement, alleviating the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

More Time for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

The benefits of doing a digital detox aren’t limited to the workplace.

Eliminating digital distractions allows you to improve your relationships with your friends and family. 

You can now sit at dinner talking to each other, instead of checking Facebook or X (formerly Twitter), for example.

Finally, doing a digital detox gives you more time for your hobbies, helping you relax and avoid burnout.

How to Do a Digital Detox?

Here’s how you can successfully do a digital detox:

Define Your Goals

Delve into why you want to do a digital detox.

Is it to reduce your stress levels? Regain lost time? Or do you just want a break from all the digital noise?

Having a clear and specific goal in mind helps you remain focused and committed to changing your habits.

Set Clear Boundaries 

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to solidify your digital detox schedule.

Set aside a time solely for checking your emails, so you can focus on urgent tasks.

Aside from this, limit your screen time in the morning, at night, and during weekends. 

Finally, notify your team, loved ones, and even clients about your off hours so they’ll know when it’s best to contact you.

Notify your team, loved ones, and even clients about your off hours so they’ll know when it’s best to contact you

Utilize Technology

You can use screen time apps to help you track and limit the amount of minutes you spend on social media.

Aside from this, there are also digital tools that block access to your newsfeed and social media. These include StayFocused for Google Chrome and SelfControl for MAC.

Engage in More Offline Activities

To help keep your mind off your devices during your off hours, participate in activities that don’t require them.

For some, this means spending their extra free time exercising, going out on walks, or doing other outdoor activities.

For others, they spend their time reading a book, writing, or doing arts and crafts.

Not only are these activities relaxing, but they also help you remain physically fit and stimulate your creativity.

Assess Your Progress and Adjust If Needed

Assess any improvements you’ve observed since starting your digital detox. 

Do you sleep better? Or perhaps you don’t feel as stressed at work anymore?

Feel free to make adjustments as needed.

Step Back Into the Real World

Although it has become an integral part of our lives, spending too much time on our devices is bad for our well-being.

However, by regularly conducting digital detoxes, you can take back control of your life and your overall health. 

Another way to regain control of your time is by hiring an admin assistant. They can handle most of your routine administrative tasks, so you can focus on tasks that grow your business.

If you don’t know where to look for one, click here to see our full list of candidates.

Aside from virtual and admin assistants, you can also outsource your human resource needs to Filipino remote contractors. Good luck!

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John Carlo Pagsolingan is a carefree yet hardworking writer with aspirations of becoming a teacher in the future. He believes that remote working isn’t just a substitute; but is a legitimate alternative to face-to-face work. Learn more as he writes about the advantages of remote work and tips for aspiring remote workers.

About The Author

John Carlo Pagsolingan is a carefree yet hardworking writer with aspirations of becoming a teacher in the future. He believes that remote working isn’t just a substitute; but is a legitimate alternative to face-to-face work. Learn more as he writes about the advantages of remote work and tips for aspiring remote workers.

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