If you’re running an early-stage startup, chances are there are some skill gaps in your core team. You may be strong on the technical side or a product whiz, but... read more →
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As the remote working trend continues to grow at a mind-boggling pace, more money is being spent on research to discover what its effects (good and bad) truly are. Check... read more →
As a small business owner, you should seriously consider what activities you might be able to outsource. This will help you stop doing things you hate doing and are probably... read more →
Remote employees have become a fact of business life, and managing them effectively can be a challenge. According to a Trends in Global Virtual Teams survey, 20% of these virtual... read more →
It’s the age of the superhero in popular culture. There are the Avengers and Spider-Man dominating the big screen. Even critically skewered productions like Suicide Squad rake in the big... read more →
Lone wolves versus teams—is it even possible today to create a successful startup alone? The success of famous single-person startups excite the minds of many aspiring entrepreneurs who think they... read more →
As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to cut expenses. Saving on labor cost is a common strategy to boost profits, so you hire freelancers instead of full-time... read more →
Technology has made so many amazing things possible, and remote working is one of them. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, it’s now possible to assemble a virtual team... read more →
Tracking the performance of your remote staff from the Philippines is important, but you must tread carefully to get the best results. Whenever the topic of monitoring employees in the... read more →
The world doesn’t revolve around you, but your small business certainly does. Unfortunately, you could be taking a big risk with if it relies too much on you. As a... read more →