Looking for the best talent for your business is challenging. You need to balance your budget, plus you need to look for people who have the skills you need. That’s... read more →
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If you’ve been hanging around our blog for a while, you’re probably familiar with what we do. Then again, outsourcing to the Philippines has been a hot topic for quite... read more →
The battle for your customers’ palates (and wallets) is now online. Unsure about how to proceed? A Virtual Assistant can help you out! Virtual assistants aren’t just for answering your... read more →
At this time, every business should have online operations ready. You need to be able to cater to your clients without meeting them at all. With that, an online shop... read more →
Whether you’re presenting for your team or your potential clients, virtual presentations are a convenient way to discuss your ideas with your target market. Your online conference can reach far... read more →
Last time, we discussed the possible WHY’s behind outsourcing. Today, we will discuss the WHAT, specifically what roles you should outsource. Sure, we’d like to keep jobs within Australia, especially... read more →
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ordered an enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) or a Luzon-wide lockdown, which started on March 15, 2020. The lockdown has been extended until May 15 in some... read more →
One of the biggest expenses for any business is equipment — tables, chairs, laptops, furniture, fixtures, and the list goes on. And it doesn’t come cheap. It can go for... read more →
Disclaimer: This is a guest post. Revisions were made to improve the quality of the content. When you’re running your small business, customer support is one of the most crucial... read more →
So far, we’ve talked about prepping for a remote team. Are there tasks you need to outsource? Check. Is your mindset ready for managing remote workers? Check. But before you... read more →