DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Remote Staff. Readers are also advised... read more →
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You don’t need an MBA to know that good customer service is key to running a successful business. Happy customers usually result in repeat business, which often translates into higher... read more →
Valentine’s Day might be huge, but Chinese New Year is also pretty up there. Celebrated by billions of people the world over, Chinese New Year is just as huge a... read more →
Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is good for business. (Gosh, I can almost see my three readers rolling their eyes as I type this.) Consumer spending on this... read more →
I’ve been working remotely, part-time and full-time, for the past eight years. Up until recently, I’ve always had to explain what I do. “Work from home? How does that work?”... read more →
Hint: Arguing is not one of them. But we’ll get to that later. Over the past decade, the internet has served as a great equaliser. It leveled the playing field... read more →
It’s been more than a year after the coronavirus first pinged the world’s radar, so this is probably a common refrain. For better or worse, remote work is certainly here... read more →
Remote work is fabulous. I wouldn’t be here writing about it for nearly half a decade now if it wasn’t. I especially enjoy the flexibility, the solitude, and the opportunity... read more →
It’s a fact. People simply work better when they 1.) get along with their colleagues, and 2.) feel that their work is part of something bigger. This is especially true... read more →
“Employee-Friendly? Shouldn’t my WFH policy focus on productivity? I am paying these people, after all.” Well, sure, except that there's a correlation between employee-friendly policies and productivity. I very much... read more →