And just like that, it’s almost Halloween! It’s creepy how fast time flies (and horrifying that there’s still no end in sight for this pandemic). However, that doesn’t mean we... read more →
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It’s been almost two years(!) since the covid-19 pandemic happened and with it, the ensuing lockdowns. While some businesses had to close, many organisations are fortunately still surviving - even... read more →
When you’re working from home, the temptation to sleep in is always present. You don’t need to dress formally and beat rush hour, for one. No need to line up... read more →
Women have made significant contributions to the workplace. In Australia alone, for instance, we’ve got women-led companies like Canva recognised as one of the most valuable startups in the world. ... read more →
You’re probably familiar with the term “ghosting.” These days, the term describes an instance where someone you’re dating (or in a relationship with) just disappears. They just stop responding to... read more →
A bit of gratitude and appreciation goes a long way. This is especially true when you’re managing organisations. Running a company involves working with clients, customers, and team members every... read more →
WFH benefits have largely been seen as a benefit for employees rather than their employers. Think about it. The work flexibility and convenience it brings have many professionals preferring the... read more →
No matter which industry you’re in, effective communication is key to success. I’m sure you and your company have had your share of costly mistakes that could have been avoided... read more →
Skilled and talented staff can make a huge difference in your business. Aside from the constant flow of outstanding output, they also tend to brim with enthusiasm that can uplift... read more →
Due to the unrelenting COVID-19 spread, the call to allow employees to work from home has been heeded. More businesses are going remote to keep people safe from COVID-19 and... read more →