Marketing is an indispensable part of every business. Your product is only as good as how people perceive it to be - if they’re aware of it, that is. While... read more →
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When your employees like you, does it make you a good leader? Not necessarily. Tim Sanders, the author of The Likeability Factor, posited that when your colleagues and direct reports... read more →
Even though we’re generally more tolerant and accedpting of the LGBTQ community these days, they still continue to experience discrimination in the workplace. In fact, a 2018 Human Rights Campaign... read more →
Do you ever feel like having a drink after a long day’s work? Or maybe having dinner at your favourite restaurant to treat yourself for waking up early today? Regardless... read more →
Technology has long been an indispensable part of life. Everyone relies on digital devices for work, education, business, and practically everything else these days. And now, almost a thousand innovators,... read more →
Since 2020, many businesses have already adopted a fully remote workforce. Hence, they started adding more remote positions and some even offer WFH as a signing bonus. However, we need... read more →
Being a leader is empowering, but it’s also a huge responsibility. And one of the most unpleasant tasks that come with the job is addressing your subordinates’ poor work performance. ... read more →
The concept of working with a virtual assistant is enticing if you think about one solely based on the word “assistant." Assistants are supposed to make your work (and life)... read more →
Remote work provides a lot of benefits for employers and employees alike, such as increased flexibility and productivity. On the down side, there’s also Zoom fatigue, blurred work-life boundaries, and... read more →
Working from home can potentially save you time and money. But did you know that it can also help save your health? (Provided that the right boundaries are in place,... read more →