Consumers use the internet to do anything. They go online to find, compare, and acquire products and services, hot talents, and even hotter dates (though that’s for a completely different... read more →
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Marketing helps promote your business. However, nothing beats word of mouth marketing. That’s when others promote your products and services for you. While sharing personal experiences and preferences might seem... read more →
Crafting an effective marketing message can be tricky. It’s also especially frustrating if it just lands directly into your recipient’s spam folder. Yikes. But aside from ensuring that your recipients... read more →
On-the-job conflicts happen regardless of the work setup. Hence, leaders in the new normal must know how to address arguments that can occur over emails, texts, and other channels. According... read more →
It’s always inspiring to work with driven and dependable employees. While the vast majority of remote workers are such, you’re bound to run into difficult people at some point, and... read more →
Every year, Wholesale Investor, a leading global venture investment platform, holds an investment conference for business investors and business owners. The goal of this Emergence event is to get them... read more →
Marketing is an essential part of every business, whether we’re talking about a well-established organisation or a startup. Hence, it helps to categorise marketing activities based on your market and... read more →
Entrepreneurs typically develop products and services so they can eventually sell them. Before they can do so, however, they need to market these first. As we discussed in a previous... read more →
Remote work has become an indispensable part of just about every workplace. Quite a few organisations survived and even thrived during the pandemic because of it - and employees, in... read more →
Last time, we talked about indirect marketing and how it can be beneficial for your business. And now, let’s look at the other end of the spectrum: direct marketing. Compared... read more →