Since communication is an essential part of running any business, firm grasp of the appropriate word choice and tone is crucial. If not, you’ll inadvertently come across as insensitive or... read more →
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Despite months of planning and brainstorming, a seemingly brilliant marketing plan can fall flat as soon as it’s launched. And no one is immune to such an epic fail, not... read more →
As we venture into the digital future, more organisations are happy to keep their teams working remotely. While this may seem like an easy shift, it does require certain resources... read more →
We’ve always talked about how to find (and retain) a rockstar employee. What company wouldn’t welcome such talent with open arms, right? However, if you find it challenging to do... read more →
There’s so much more to being a leader than a title. It entails sacrifice, hard work, and dedication. More importantly, it boils down to who you are at the core. ... read more →
Business leaders have to be decisive. You need to know how to ask for what you want- and express what you don’t want. In no uncertain terms While the latter... read more →
Remote work has transformed the world in just two short years. It changed where we work and how we work. Today, working from home is basically synonymous to working from... read more →
The office is where we go to work. Up until recently, that is. During the pandemic, companies were forced to adopt remote and hybrid models which paved the way for... read more →
Building a business is no walk in the park. Neither is finding rock-star employees who can help you grow and expand your company. Fortunately, there are quite a few effective... read more →
The pandemic has transformed the way we do things, especially when it comes to work. Traditional business establishments closed down their physical offices. Later, they adopted a fully remote workplace,... read more →