Jun 12

How to Conduct Performance Reviews for Admin Assistants

Performance reviews are often frowned upon by managers and employees alike. And it’s understandable. After all, giving and receiving feedback feels uncomfortable– even if it’s constructive. 

However, performance evaluations are necessary for professional and business growth. It enables organisations to improve their processes, eventually boosting the company’s overall performance. 

Let’s take a look at how you can go about it with as much convenience as possible, starting with your admin assistant

Key Responsibilities of an Admin Assistant 

An administrative assistant provides clerical support to companies, usually to keep the office running smoothly. 

Most admin assistants also coordinate with employees and third parties including suppliers. They can perform various tasks from remote locations, such as: 

  • Writing and responding to emails;
  • Maintaining office policies; 
  • Taking phone calls; 
  • Scheduling appointments; 
  • Making travel arrangements; and 
  • Communicating requests from management to the rest of the members. 

Steps in Conducting Performance Reviews 

A good performance review should provide fair assessments. Done right, it provides strong recognition and encouragement and can even increase employee engagement. 

Step 1: Prepare. 

Have a thorough understanding of your admin assistant’s job responsibilities. Gather relevant information such as the job description, relevant performance metrics, and any documents related to your admin assistant’s work.

Step 2: Set Criteria and Objectives. 

Establish measurable goals that align with your organisation’s objectives. This will serve as your basis when you conduct the performance review. Additionally, define clear performance objectives and the criteria for your ideal admin assistant. Use the job description as your guide. 

Step 3: Schedule a Meeting for the Actual Review. 

Set up a meeting with your admin assistant to discuss their performance review. Ideally, their onboarding should inform them about regular performance reviews. 

Nevertheless, provide advance notice and choose a suitable time for both parties where you can conduct the review without interruptions. 

Step 4: Gather Feedback. 

Aside from your observations, it’s best to collect feedback from relevant stakeholders such as team members or supervisors. For a fair evaluation, consider both qualitative (observations, comments) and quantitative (performance metrics) feedback. 

Step 5: Provide Constructive Feedback. 

Begin by acknowledging what your admin assistant has done well. After highlighting their areas of strength, identify the areas for improvement. 

Constructive feedback should focus on their behaviour, not their personal attributes. It should also be specific and actionable. Afterwards, discuss strategies for improvement and development. 

Step 6: Document the Review. 

Always document the key points discussed during the performance review meeting. This way, both parties have a reference in case of clarifications or questions. Include the areas for improvement and the agreed-upon goals. 

Step 7: Provide Support. 

Performance reviews aim to enhance employee performance. This is why implementing and monitoring the steps forward are important. 

Moreover, you need to provide the right support to make sure the feedback is effectively acted upon.

Step 8: Acknowledge Contributions. 

Lastly, don’t forget to show appreciation for your admin assistant’s dedication, hard work, and commitment to their jobs. Acknowledge and recognise their contributions and achievements, especially when they deserve it. 

By following these steps, conducting performance reviews can be easier and more effective. 

However, if you want an admin assistant that generally aces their performance reviews, it’s best to hire the right one from the get-go. 

This is where Remote Staff comes in. For the last 16 years and counting, Remote Staff has been providing AU entrepreneurs like you with skilled admin assistants from the Philippines

For more information, call us today or request a call back now.

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Syrine is studying law while working as a content writer. When she’s not writing or studying, she engages in tutoring, events planning, and social media browsing. In 2021, she published her book, Stellar Thoughts.

About The Author

Syrine is studying law while working as a content writer. When she’s not writing or studying, she engages in tutoring, events planning, and social media browsing. In 2021, she published her book, Stellar Thoughts.

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