Despite 2020 being the dumpster fire that it is, it seems that Christmas is still coming. I suppose that can be a relief. Don’t we all need a bit of... read more →
Remote work is one topic that can certainly keep a conversation going. Just about everyone who’s heard of and/or experienced it would have an opinion. The internet is also rife... read more →
I love what I do. I grew up being told that there’s no money in writing, and while I’m no JK Rowling or Dan Brown, the compensation I get for... read more →
Apart from the distance involved and the wider talent pool, hiring remote workers isn’t that different from hiring conventionally. You list the skills and specifications you need, shortlist candidates, and... read more →
Whatever your opinion is about working from home, you can’t deny that it’s become a necessity. As of now, it remains the best option if you want to remain productive... read more →
The incident was straight out of every employer’s nightmare. About a month or so ago, the Filipino remote work community was abuzz when an artist took to Facebook to air... read more →
So, you’ve finally realized that you need a virtual assistant, eh? Congratulations! That’s always the first step: acknowledging a need. Here’s the second step: figuring out what kind of virtual... read more →
Virtual assistants, or VA’s, are what I like to call the gateway to outsourcing. Why? It’s because most people start out with one before they end up hiring... read more →
So much has changed over the past six months. Heck, the workplace as we know it today looks nothing like the workplace as we knew it. I’m not even going... read more →
The short answer is yes. (Honestly, what HASN’T been killed by COVID-19 at this point?) More than six months into the pandemic, and the world has already changed so much.... read more →