Layoffs are bad enough, let alone during the holidays. What decent person enjoys depriving people and their families of a livelihood before Christmas? Unfortunately, it still happens - and quite... read more →
Disagreements are inevitable, especially in the workplace. That’s just what happens when people from all walks of life work together to accomplish common goals. You might meet employees who support... read more →
Working parents definitely don’t have it easy, especially before the pandemic. Both childcare and household maintenance can take a toll not just on women, but also on men. Hence, once... read more →
The world is as uncertain as ever. Until now, we don’t know when the virus will stop spreading or when the borders will open. However, it’s highly likely that remote... read more →
These days, work is no longer confined to a traditional physical setting. Thanks to technology and the WFH set-up, we don’t have to move around or stay in one place... read more →
We’ve always talked about the importance of maintaining good relationships with your employees. This means listening to their thoughts, being open to suggestions, and appreciating their contributions. Maintaining a good... read more →
It’s been almost two years(!) since the covid-19 pandemic happened and with it, the ensuing lockdowns. While some businesses had to close, many organisations are fortunately still surviving - even... read more →
When you’re working from home, the temptation to sleep in is always present. You don’t need to dress formally and beat rush hour, for one. No need to line up... read more →
You’re probably familiar with the term “ghosting.” These days, the term describes an instance where someone you’re dating (or in a relationship with) just disappears. They just stop responding to... read more →
A bit of gratitude and appreciation goes a long way. This is especially true when you’re managing organisations. Running a company involves working with clients, customers, and team members every... read more →