Oct 24

7 Simple Ways to Manage Your Loneliness as an Entrepreneur

How are you? Are you feeling lonely? 

Based on studies, more and more entrepreneurs are dealing with loneliness. It kinda makes sense because business owners and CEOs are facing unique challenges compared to regular people. 

Imagine the pressure. You have the last say in everything. A series of mistakes might cost you and your employee’s livelihood. 

Another study shows the inherent psychological costs of owning and managing a business. Being at the top has its perks. But it can also be very lonely.

How do you cope? After all, you can’t forego your responsibilities. Here are 7 simple ways to manage your loneliness as an entrepreneur.


Feel Your Feelings

Feel Your Feelings

As entrepreneurs, we are trained to be strong-willed! 

Nothing should faze us in any situation, right? Not really. 

Remember, you’re also human. 

Recognise your feelings for what they are. When you feel lonely, acknowledge that it’s something that happens to most of us. And yes, even to a strong entrepreneur like you.

Acknowledging your emotions is not a weakness. There’s strength in vulnerability. 

When you let your loneliness flow, you can process the emotion and find solutions to be happier in the process.



Journal Your Thoughts

It may sound cliche, but journaling helps in processing your emotions. When you feel lonely, sometimes all you want is someone to talk to. 

But not everyone understands what you’re going through, especially as entrepreneurs. Businessmen are not normal. We carry different pressures and tread a road less travelled. 

By journaling your thoughts, you can look at your situation from a third-person perspective. First, you release all your emotions in writing. And as the feelings calm down, you can evaluate your situation better.



Change in Scenery

Where were you during the pandemic? Most of us are working from home. And some work-from-home alone until now. Ever get tired of the same old routine? 

It happens to the best of us. A change in scenery might be a great solution. 

It can be a walk in a park. Travelling can be a good option as well. You can even travel while working as a digital nomad.

A change in scenery can help dispel some of the loneliness. It can even spark some inspiration for your next big thing. 

Not convinced? Steve Jobs’ trip to India sparked his “Think different” attitude. And Apple has greatly revolutionized the electronics industry since then.

I’m not saying you’ll be the next Steve Jobs after the trip. Who knows? Maybe you can. But at the very least, it can provide some much-needed rest and happiness boost for productive days ahead.



Nurture Current Relationships and Cultivate New Ones

Ever felt all alone in this world? It’s easy to feel that way with all the pressures on your shoulders, and having no one to confide in. 

But remember, there are people who love you wholeheartedly. And in the future, you will meet a lot of beautiful human beings who will care for you. 

Don’t forget to nurture your current relationships. Some may understand what you’re going through, especially if you expose yourself to like-minded individuals.

But even for those who don’t, it’s a breath of fresh air from all the business-related stuff you’re handling. Sometimes, you just don’t want someone asking about your business. A chat about life or something random is quite fun once in a while.

So engage with people close to you and cultivate new relationships to relieve your loneliness.



Learn to Say No

As an entrepreneur, your time is limited. You have so many priorities to juggle; where can you find time to socialize? 

As you become more successful, a lot of people demand more and more of your time. Mentoring sessions, daily meetings, and performance reviews. The list is endless! How can you manage it all?

It’s time to learn how to say no. Your time is valuable. Saying yes to something means saying no to another. Saying yes to a meeting might mean saying no to dinner with your family. How many of the really important things have you prioritized? 

Remember, you might be lonely because you’re disconnected from the people and the passion projects that do matter. So learn to say no, and say yes to the things that matter most to you.


Deliberately Schedule Time to Meet People

Deliberately Schedule Time to Meet People

If you’re feeling lonely, a little company might go a long way. But as busy entrepreneurs, we just use our residual time for these side meetups. Why spend time meeting with people and friends outside your business hours when you can spend it on “productivity?”

Well, it might somewhat be true. But watch as you burn out and feel lonely over time. It doesn’t happen to everyone. But if you’re feeling it now, you might need a change for the better

Try to deliberately schedule a time to meet people. Note, the keyword is deliberate. You should be intentional about it.

It doesn’t have to be grand. It can be as simple as a Zoom lunch meetup. Or maybe, a watch party with your friends. You can also put yourself out there by enrolling in seminars and other fun activities. 

It might sound simple. But these little things create more value for your well-being.


Seek Professional Help

Seek Professional Help

What if you did everything you could, but still feel lonely? Better seek professional help. I had a time when I was too distraught about my sadness, and it was affecting my output in my business. 

I just tried therapy. And it’s one of the best investments I had in my life. I got to learn more about myself and discovered that I had past childhood traumas that affected how I view the world today.

Not only did I manage my loneliness during those times, I learned how to deal with them even months after the sessions. 

Don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Instead of figuring it out yourself, it’s a shortcut to improving the quality of your life.



You can help manage your loneliness with the tips above. But if you lack time, you might want to delegate some tasks. Hiring remote workers might be a solution. 

With the freed-up time, you can focus on the things that do matter – both for your business and your well-being.

We have the best Filipino talents for essential roles in your business. Just view our candidates today for some who might fit the role for your business.

If you have questions or clarifications, you can call us or schedule a callback! Cheers!

Leandro Eclipse
+ posts

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well. If you have any content requests and suggestions, feel free to email him at

About The Author

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well. If you have any content requests and suggestions, feel free to email him at

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