Aug 10
The coworkers are engaged in discussion.

5 Tips on How To Give Feedbacks To Your Remote Staff

Giving positive feedback is essential to make employees confident in doing their work. It also notifies them that they’re on the right track. If you were them, getting praises and words of encouragement makes you want to exert more effort into your work and makes you feel motivated to do good and get more flattering remarks from your boss! Although feedbacks aren’t always positive, you have to make sure to give constructive criticism to your remote staff. Also, interact often to make sure there is gentle pressure for them to be productive.

Engage in social interaction with them online.

Thanks to social networking sites, you can have space online where only you and your remote staff can interact. It’s best to keep it personal and private. Having a private chat online can make communicating faster and easier. You can allow them to ask for your consultation and you can give your feedback about the work that they’re doing.

Group chats!

Observe them through group chats and let them engage in social interaction with one another. Giving your feedback to your remote staff in this setup, where other workers are able to see your positive feedback on others, will inspire the others in getting recognition from you. Make sure to equally give them positive feedbacks. Your remote staff is like your kids, they’ll all need your attention. This will enable a supportive and positive space to flood your group chat.

Schedule 1 on 1 meetings with them

It doesn’t hurt to meet them every once in a while. If anything, it’s worse to not see or hear from them at all! Set up 1 on 1 meetings with them where you get to ask them how they’re catching up with work, and discuss their performance. This way, you’re able to express your thoughts and they’re able to express theirs. Communicating online is great and all, but, your relationship with your remote staff can’t be stronger without seeing each other eye-to-eye.

It’s not always about work

Who knows, some of your remote workers could be going through something. It would also be useful if you check on how they’re holding up. There might be instances where you come across as intimidating to them. You should be able to show that you care for your remote staff and not just focusing on how they do their job. They should feel that they’re not being neglected and only their work is all that matters to you.

Be wary of your use of words

As mentioned before, not all feedback is positive. You will encounter problems where your remote staff is struggling to do their job well. In that case, mute the group chat and send them a personal message. While you’re at it, schedule a 1 on 1 meeting with them. Make sure to choose your words carefully when giving them your feedback because it can affect their performance, not in a way that you’re being too kind about it. There’s a tendency that they might think the situation is not that serious and take advantage of your behavior towards it. After you give them your feedback, it would definitely help if you suggest ways on how they can improve their work.

Being able to send out effective feedback to your remote staff is crucial if your focus is on making them do their best. Notice their achievements and talk it out with them if ever their performance is lacking. After all, there’s no such thing as a perfect team. But that’s not a reason for you to give up on making one.

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